
Color Purple Discussion Questions

Decent Essays

Question 1: The author of “The Color Purple”, distributed the title throughout the story. When reading about Celie’s life, seeing that she has not had it pleasant since she was born. The color purple in her point of view represents the great things in life that god created for all the people to appreciate. Although Celie thinks that it would be a miracle for something wonderful to finally happen to her. As all the events including Nettie running away, her dad selling her to a stranger named Mr, and his children being disobedient to her she has accepted life as it is. As the story unfolds, there is a scene where Shug says how “it pisses God off if you walk by the color purple in a field and don’t notice it.” This associated with Celie with her life as it goes on all she has ever noticed was the awful effects instead of appreciating the little favorable moments. …show more content…

Later on being sold to Mr. she still let herself be pushed around without any complaint as though she just figured out it’s the way her life is going to be. With Mr’s. children disobeying her command she feels she can never be as welcomed as his wife and she is simply his rag doll being ready to use her to please his needs. If only Celie defended herself against the brutal beatings and the harassments from her father and Mr. she would have a considerate outcoming. As said in the story Shug was that person to not let men go at her without a fight as well as Sofia. Celie is fragile in her perspective showed that it is better to just accept life as it is so there isn’t any more consequences. Nevertheless, if only she showed fearless, she would have prevented things like Nessie leaving,being tortured by her father and Mr.,and possibly getting her children

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