
Command Sergeant Major Cruz Major

Decent Essays


Antonio Cruz ? Retired Command Sergeant Major U.S Army
Angiela Hoopes
Pikes Peak Community College

The person I picked to interview is Mr. Antonio (Tony) Cruz. I have know Mr. Cruz since I was 8 years old and attended the same school as his youngest son. I quickly became best friends with his daughter when I was invited to be part of her court for her Quincenanera. I interviewed Mr. Cruz at in home in Colorado Springs, Colorado face to face on October 30, 2015 at 10:30 am. Antonio Cruz was only 20 years old when he enlisted into the United States Army in 1970. He was born and raised in Browning, Texas with his mother, father and only one …show more content…

After his high school graduation, Mr. Cruz continued to work at the possessing plant for two years with out any promotion or pay raise even though he has graduated high school with honors. Mr. Cruz felt that was because he comes from a Latino family, he also wanted to save enough money to go to school and taking out loans was not an option. At the age of 20, Mr. Cruz enlisted in to the United States Army hoping to use his GI Bill to pay his way to getting a degree in social work and finding him a new life. I wanted to interview Mr. Cruz because he is my main inspiration to becoming a Social Worker because of the work he has done with the youth. According to Amy Lutz, Ph.D, author of ?Who Joins the Military?: A look at Race, Class, and Immigration Status? states that traditional thinking of Hispanics in our military come mainly from poor families rather than affluent families and other families with higher incomes. Many and are looking for a way to obtain American citizenship and because ?immigrations reform include a path to citizenship after serving in the military? (Sanchez 2013). There are very few Hispanics that are represented in the United States Military. This last statement is true, according to, ?Lieutenant Commander Nate Christensen, A Department of Defense spokesman, Hispanics currently comprise only 11.4 percent of all active-duty military

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