From, I got my article, “O’Malley gun violence prevention plan includes universal background checks, assault weapons ban” by John DiStaso. It is about how Martin O’Malley wants to do universal background checks, fingerprint licensing for gun purchases, and a rejection of federally mandated concealed carry. He would also ban assault weapons and close loopholes that currently make women vulnerable to gun violence. This happened on Monday in Manhattan, New York. This story is important because we need to have more gun control. There are regulations, but it doesn’t seem enough with all the occurrences happening around the U.S. this has to do with me because I should be safe walking down a street and not have to be scared if
Taya Kyle, the author of the article “American Sniper Widow: Gun Control Won’t Protect Us”, believes that there are two sides of the argument on gun control. People can use statistics, facts, and real life examples to argue that there should be stricter control of guns in the US, but they cannot eliminate the emotional side of the story. While in the last two decades, violent crime rates have actually been reduced in the US, fears have gone up. Anyone can be a victim of a violent crime because if another person decides to do harm, they will do it under any circumstances.
One aspect of this story I find interesting is how the President reacted to this tragic event. The article, “President Obama's Hard Rhetorical Shift on Gun Control” posted by The Atlantic gives the impression that President Obama used this tragic event as a means to
This story is incredibly heartbreaking to me. The massive shootings continue to become more and more prevalent. I fear that the nation is become desensitized by these horrific shootings because they are almost becoming the new norm. Obviously people continue to disagree how we should handle events like this, more specifically, gun control. I’m not sure what the answer should be either but we cannot continue with what laws or regulations that are currently being employed. They simply are not working. How many more lives is it going to take to effect change?
Did you hear about the summary of the DC sniper case? It was a case that had everyone all over the east cost scared to be in any public area. The criminals had been using a Bushmaster XM-15 rifle. All of the victims in this case were killed in a public place. This case had two killers named John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo. When they killed, it didn’t matter who they killed as long as there was blood shed and fear. The killers
There are numerous amounts of shootings occurring in Toronto, specifically, this is the 49th homicide. A man has lost his life where he did not expect this to happen, from someone else hands. Not only he suffered through the extreme pain of getting shot, but also his family is suffering. They are probably in the condition of sorrow and sadness. Two other individuals are in hospitals living their lives with a long-lasting pain, all due to someone’s hand with a gun. This and many other situations in Canada, America, and etc, will affect society as a whole with this article is by pedestrians on the streets will now have more fear walking down the streets of Toronto, since they know, something similar to this situation could occur to them. Also knowing that there are people who might have a lethal weapon on them. Another way this could affect society is by an amendment regarding gun control in Canada. The rules should be further extended and the ability to gain a gun should be limited. Furthermore, the charges of killing with a gun should also be extremely strict and should increase as
Gun control in the U.S has been a highly talked about topic the past couple of years. Through the development of technology and social media; many people across the country have been more involved in voicing their opinions about this issue. America is known as the land of the free, many people take pride in being able to bare arms. However, this right has been abused by not only civilians, but law enforcement as well. The United States has the 31st highest rate of gun violence in the world and it is not decreasing anytime soon. The phrase “America's largest mass shooting” has been reassigned to numerous occurrences that have taken place over the past decade. It is apparent that through these tragedies it is time for a serious change, innocent lives are being lost for no reason.
The article titled, Could smaller, local measures offer a way forward on gun control? by Peter Grier explained many ideas on how to prevent gun-related violence in the United States by taking measures on a “state-level”. The article first explained how a man named Daniel Webster believes, like reducing teenage driving fatalities, it's the matter of advocating stronger laws. In this case putting stronger gun laws in place to help reduce the amount of gun violence. The text also explained that some states have already put limits in order to prevent firearms from landing in the hands of domestic abusers after the dreadful event of Sandy Hook Elementary which took place on December 14th, 2012. In addition, the text described “31 percent of fatalities occurred in connection with domestic partner violence” (Grier New York Times 8).
However, statistics show he isn’t wrong. Time and time again, law-abiding gun owners use guns for self-defense and to stop criminals. In a thorough study done by the National Research Council, which used science, raw data and research to come to an unbiased conclusion, it was confirmed, “The hypothesis that many Americans use guns for self-protection each year has been repeatedly subjected to empirical test, using the only feasible method for doing so, survey of representative samples of the populations. The results of nineteen consecutive surveys unanimously indicate that each year huge numbers of Americans (700,000 or more) use guns for self-protection. Further, the more technically sound the survey, the higher the defensive gun use estimates” (Pepper Peltrie Wellford 113). Unfortunately, because of a lack of funding by the CDC to study current gun violence, the exact numbers of how many people stop criminals while using guns to protect themselves is unknown, but according to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), gun ownership has increased by 66% in the last 20 years (Mantel 238). Despite not having recent numbers, it would be reasonable to conclude using guns for protection should see an increase as gun ownership increases. In addition, while the media rarely publicizes the heroic examples of crimes being thwarted by gun-toting civilians, a simple Internet search unveils many recent examples where violent crimes were stopped at the end of law-abiding gun owners. Gun control advocates push “Gun-Free” zones, when time and time again it is proven these zones do nothing to deter school shootings. Armed guards are used to protect banks, and jewelry stores, but not innocent children in school. Are students not
One of the main fallacies that the author uses in his articles is a hasty generalization. He uses the example of the Texas shooter and his bad background that would have prevented a weapons liscence to make the generalization that, “ their proposals wouldn’t have stopped any of the other mass public shootings in the last couple decades.” The author does not back this claim up very well and
There are many debates about gun violence and gun control, but no one can really find the common ground to stop the violence. Mallory Simon is an experienced writer who makes it aware that the people need take the shootings more literal than just brush them aside. She argues that there is a need for steps to be put into place to stop the reoccurrence of gun violence within our communities. She developed an article about the ongoing debate about gun violence, called “Gun Debate: Where is the Middle Ground?” She uses the emotional point of view from those that are affected by the violence, to show their concern and struggles they face in their lives to prevent the shootings.
The gun violence, crimes, and cases in the United States is a national epidemic. A lot of people take advantage of guns using them and manipulating their weapon with hardly any thought. Many countless innocent lives have been lost because of the fact that people have been able to obtain firearms legally or illegally. These people have taken the notion to be the jury, judge, and executioner in holding someone’s life in their hands. For example, in the article Think Progress the state, “Courts have granted immunity to a man who went back to his car to get a gun, and another who shot a acquaintance for threatening to beat him up.”(Think Progress). Think Progress also states, “In Florida alone, 26 children and teens were killed in Stand Your Ground cases.”(Think Progress). These are very serious cases where people have misused their rights by manipulating the Stand Your Ground Law and their weapon. Gun violence just do not affect the victims, but it also affects poor neighborhoods, family and friends. The Atlantic report confirms great logos with providing statistical facts stating, “There are about 310 million guns in the country. About 40% of households have them.” Guns are so easy to obtain legally and illegally that America has the highest gun rate than any other country in the
Everyday, the biased news media reports another mass shooting. The media reports the cases of “police brutality” and the media reports the tragic accidents. The media doesn’t report the research by David Burnett and Clayton Cramer who track incidents of defensive gun use. The stories include women fighting off would be rapists and senior citizens protecting themselves from robbers. They are stories that prevent violent crimes from occurring, for they are stories that save lives.
the church shooting at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs was stopped by a brave Person with and gun that had shot the shooter, which stopped the gunman from killing more people and made the gunman flee away where the cops later caught him. By having a gun may save you life and other. The reason we need to have them for protection is because incidents like these guns can save manys lives.
During the past years gun violence has seen an enormous increase in various parts of the world and majority of the cases been reported in the United States. The case includes victims such as children, senior citizens and young adults engaging in violence or getting caught in the crossfires. The life of common people is being affected, people are concerned as to how they can live safe lives when guns are being used in increasing numbers. On an average, every day you hear about some sort of gun violence affecting people either in your hometown or in another part of the world. It is a shame for a country like United States to have such high
Being a student in the United States, I have often heard many stories about gun violence. I always thought it was something that would never happen to me and people around me until that Friday night. I clearly remember that it was a chill and windy night. A dark sky was full of the blazing stars, and a round bright moon hanging in the sky. Everything just seemed so quiet and perfect. During the time, I was sleeping peacefully in bed, and all of a sudden I heard someone