
Common Book English Class

Decent Essays

COMM 1015 is my favorite course this semester. This course has not only taught me the techniques to help me to listen attentively, and speak more clearly and openly with my professors, advisers, and classmates; but it has also taught me to be a better writer. There were many interesting writing assignments this semester; however, my top three writing assignments were: The Intro Letter TR, Speaker Analysis, and the Common Book Essay. Effective communication skills are crucial to my success in both my personal and professional life and this course has helped me tremendously of becoming a more confident speaker. I’ve learned various communication techniques such as listening, active listening, verbal and nonverbal skills to connect with audiences once I speak in front of a large group of people. …show more content…

It provided me an opportunity to introduce myself and identify my communications strength and weakness so that I could focus on improving my abilities throughout the semester. The Speaker Analysis was another fun assignment. I met my World Regions Professor, John Boyer, in person for the first time. This assignment allowed me to use all techniques that I learned from taking critical notes, listening, and analyzing speaker’s content, to observing the speaker’s presentation style, logics, and movement. The Common Book Essay was my most inspiring assignment. I read Eric Greitens book, The Heart and the Fist, multiple times because it was important for me to visualize his service and compassion not only his countrymen, but less privileges people all over the world. Subsequently, I felt proud and blessed of sitting along with my classmates and professor at the War Memorial Chapel to observe the pylons and discussed with one another what our ideals are and which pylon we most identify with. It offered me an opportunity to look back at my life and how fortunate I am to be a part of the VT Ut

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