
Common Core Reading Assessment

Satisfactory Essays

All of our assessments are standards based and reflect the skill we learned throughout the week. In addition, many of you recognize the Common Core Reading test format that was given in first grade. I know and understand the difficulty of the test.We are now required to give the same format test in second grade. The questions on the test are divided into a (part a) and (part b). The part b part of the question requires to students pick the correct evidence on how they choose their answer for part a. To prepare students for the test, we read the story in small group and I also eliminate answer choices on the test. I will do everything I can to make sure your child is prepared for this assessment. It is always important for the children …show more content…

We will practice several times before an actual grade is taken. I will put a % on each page so that you will be aware of how your child is doing, However drills marked in Red will be the only ones recorded.
In addition we will be having a “Subtraction Stocking Stuffer” drill challenge on our numbers (1-14). Each week students will have a chance to pass their subtraction facts. As students pass their facts they will receive a gift to put in their stocking. December 15th the last Friday before Christmas break will be the last day to pass their subtraction facts for the “Subtraction Stocking Stuffer” Challenge.
Next week, all of 2nd grade will be taking the Scantron Performance Series Assessment. This assessment will assess students on the Math and Reading skills we have worked on to this point in the year. It assess student academic growth and shows the strong and weak areas your child may have in Reading and Math. Please make sure your child gets plenty of rest next week and a good breakfast. ☺

Thank you so much for all you do! You are your child’s first teacher and by working together we can help them be successful in 2nd grade!

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