In this film everything the young men said stood out, being treated differently, always living in fear, and their parents do not know if they’re safe or not. The thing that mostly stood out and was resonant to me; was when one of the young men said, that they were stopped by the police while going from one class to another. Also, while his classmates walked by. How can the police be so racist? Stopping a student in school and question him, also, I want to know if any of his classmates tried to help. But honestly nothing from this video surprised me other than that because I know the cause and what’s happening in America. I know how hard it is to be different in America, especially being black. The commonalities in these young men’s stories
Although there has been a lot of progress made over the past years, there are currently many various problematic issues in this world that are contributed to by discriminatory behaviour and belief systems. Back in 2015, MTV’s White People had the goal of bringing notice to that. The writer of the film, Jose Antonio Vargas, wanted to show caucasians that race was not just an issue for those of color; it affects everyone. The idea for the documentary was excellent, but feel short when delivered. Part of that could come from poor editing, MTV’s documentary history, or even just the lack of variation in those interviewed. This film could’ve been a really good conversation starter, but the entire thing just felt rushed and left me feeling disappointed.
This film deals with racial profiling in so many ways, for example as soon as Rodrick Rhoads became coach, the other teams were making fun of cordia and calling them the N word due the fact that they were winning games because they had a former nba basketball coach. After cordia high school had won the championship game the other teams and
The film “Fear and Learning at Hoover Elementary” is about the impact on Hoover Elementary after Proposition 187 was approved which denied public education and health care to undocumented immigrants. A teacher from the school decided to make a film about the impact the law had created at the school. The teacher filmed teacher meetings after the law was passed. The film maker also included teacher’s response to the passing of the law and if they voted for or against the passing of the law. The teacher included a little girl named Myra about how life was for her at Hoover Elementary. The film maker included where the school was located and how it was already harmful to those kids who live by the school. My reaction to the film was I felt angry
The members in the film were all caucasian males who resided in New York. They were of different ages and came from different socio-economic backgrounds. The messages used were the individual opinions and ideas regarding the case, facts and
What stood out for me in the video is that members of Baton Rouge wants to make a new school system by establishing a new city. Their purpose for a new school is to have less racially an economic diverse. The community believes that Baton Rouge schools are being violent and are unmanaged. The community members want smaller and centered schools for white students .Therefore, segregation is based on race and class lines .As a result, the community members believe that East Baton schools are only babysitting and not disciplining their students. Therefore, there are many violent acts that’s shows that children are not getting along for example, teenagers are uploading violent videos in media in order to show
Regardless of age, race, or religion, the film’s powerful imagery captivated audiences nationwide. It not only set the tone for how people were already feeling, but it was also a call to those unaware of how bad conditions of poverty, gang violence and the feeling of oppression had become for the lower class. Though the movie was purely fictional, the issues it portrayed helped exploit a huge problem in our country. In some areas, the films message hit so hard that riots broke out at theaters. The worst of these occurred at the Halsted Twin Outdoor Theater in the south Chicago suburb of Riverdale, where a man was fatally shot in his car by another man as both were leaving the drive-in. (???) Similarly, in the movie, Dough boy feels resentful about America because they don’t care about the ghetto which leads him to an endless cycle of violence.
Initially while watching this video and analyzing the photographs included, I felt disgusted by the history of America. However, during my time watching this video I felt very overwhelmed as saturated feelings of unintentional angry thoughts of white people crowded my head. In each picture, I felt a connection as if I were standing in front of each lynching. With the narrator in the background speaking in such a nonchalant tone I could not completely focus and take in the reality of what my ancestors were suspected to.
One cultural difference I did notice were the riots. Today, with the black lives matter movement instead of rioting violently like you see in the film, there are more peaceful protest and you see many Americans using social media to bring light to the issue at hand. Another cultural difference I noticed were Vinz, Said, and Hubert's beliefs and practices. At the beginning you see Hubert as the more level headed individual but towards the end of the movie things escalate and you start to see a more violent, aggressive side of him. Though, Americans have had a history of getting aggressive and rioting we've had more of an impact on being heard through social media and peaceful protest to bring light to the fact that racism is very much alive in this movie and this era. The irony in the quote "The world is yours" puts in perspective that these are three young men jobless, poor , and doing illegal activities just to make it another day. Today more and more Americans are fed up with police brutality and these young black men and woman having their lives taken away so soon. These types of events have caused us as people to come together and become stronger as a unit to make a difference in American and bring light to the fact that racism is still very real. Vinz being so passionate about wanting to kill a cop if his friend in the hospital died
My opinion of the race relations depicted on campus in the film is mixed. Compared to my experiences of being at college, the race issues at Winchester University appear drastic. However, the issues of race relations on campuses show in the media seem to be similar to the issues at Winchester, if not worse. The issue of separate housing for blacks seems strange to me. Relating to my personal experiences at TCNJ, I have never heard of/seen separate housing based on race because it promotes racial segregation. I have read that there are many black students that want separate housing at college but I think that will only revert people's behavior and views back to segregational times of oppression.
First off, it is a common belief that today racism is something that people are born with, especially Southerners because of the history of slavery in the South. In the video, 13th, it said that 1 in 3 black men are expected
As we were watching this film I could tell that there were many messages that the director wanted the audience to gain from this movie. One of the messages I got from this movie is that every single person is extremely similar however racial issues hold us back from discovering that. I believe the director wanted viewers to realize that stereotypes and discrimination keeps us from learning about one another. With the way things came
My last takeaway is that it is important to tell our young black people that it is important to try to change the world even if it seems impossible. This generation could be the change. We can go into this world scared nor afraid of living in this world. The black community may be afraid police and the hierarchy of the white population, but we can change the views of them. This world has changed so much from the beginning to now; what is change people’s minds? If we can come together as one community working as one we can be a force to be reckoned with. We just have to be a united front.
I was very shocked to see how the video showed how the movie Birth of Nation and how race opporates in the U.S are still prevelant today. We are still living a place where people of color are still thrown under the bus for things either they did'nt commit or just because it can be done to them because they are considered a minority and are known as second class citizens. An yes Jim Crows Laws still exsist today in a more discrete form, however, alot of people see it as well. Only difference is now people can join together as a movement to seek some sort of justice. That will probably never happen, since issues such as them ones shown in the video have been going on for years and may still go on for years to come. I believe out of all the information
Continually the director uses the subplots- the stories within the story-to show the hierarchy of oppression and privilege in America to show how people think of others in a particular way in which they take people’s dignity. The way people treat and look to others is really off and they go with their thoughts to really far places and they imagine things that may not happen, in which they oppress another person.another scene “-come on man keep driving i said i'm not laughing at you ...fine you want me to show you i will show you ,do you want to see what's in my hands i will show you” In the scene, it shows how the cop mistreats the boy just because he is black. This scene is related to the message because the cop kills a person who did not do anything to him, he just thinks that he has gun but he is not sure about it, then
My heart sank when the police officer told their mom she got what she deserved.This documentary relates to the Sociology of deviant behavior course in many ways. For example this movie is filled with deviant behavior. Deviant behavior is behavior that is ubsurd and violates the social norm. Raping and abusing someone is not the social norm it also leads to violence. This type of behavior is looked down upon especially when family is involved. Conflict theory of crime also relates to this because of the problems that occured amongst everyone in the family that caused incest and raping each to occur. This documentary has a lot in common with "Little Children". A film that talks about a sex offender living in a suburb neighborhood that is very family oriented and parents are scared to death. Labeling theory is apart of the documentary as well because the father was labeled to be a rapist and the family was called out and many of them were called names. Control theory played a huge role in this documentary as well. The father had control over everything you can tell he was very stict. Everything was done his way no matter what no one else opinion