
Community Assessment And Project Goal

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Community Assessment and Project Goal The One Roof Community Community Centre (ORCC) is a program associated with the Warming Room Community Ministries in Peterborough, Ontario. A meal is served twice a day during the week, and once a day on weekends (Warming Room Community Ministries, 2017). The building is also open for drop-in hours from 12-7, providing a warm place to stay during the afternoon. The Warming Room Community Ministries number one goal is to “work toward God’s dream of justice, peace and love in the City of Peterborough by meeting immediate needs, breaking down barriers that exist in the community and advocating for systemic change.” (Warming Room Community Ministries, 2017). The purpose of the community assessment …show more content…

The target population for this quality improvement project are individuals experiencing food insecurity. The specific population being targeted are those accessing the services at the One Roof Community Centre located at 99 Brock Street, Peterborough, Ontario. Peterborough, Ontario is specifically at risk for food insecurity, being that 11.5% of households experience food insecurity in this region (Peterborough Social Planning Committee, 2015). Additionally, one in seven children experiences food insecurity in Peterborough. Low incomes are not enough to cover the expenses of eating healthy foods (Peterborough County-City Health Unit, 2015). The community is the food insecure individuals who come to the One Roof Community Centre. The characteristics of this community include everybody is a community member both guests, and volunteers, and staff. They are very diverse, from all cultural backgrounds, disability both physical and mental, men and women, and all age groups. Some have a mental illness, and addictions. Guests want to help with cleaning tables and washing dishes. The beliefs are One Roof Community Centre everyone is called guests and not clients. The central value is friendship, and everyone is treated like a friend. No one is turned down from receiving a meal. If they are verbally or physically violent to themselves or other

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