Did you know that 42 million people combined owe 1.3 trillion dollars in student loans? That is an enormous amount of money that will take years to pay off for most people. In the 2012 - 2013 school year, 10 millions students took out loans to pay for college because they could not pay for it. Also only ½ of low income kids attend college because they do not know how they will pay for it. These problem would be resolved it only America had free college. Tuition for community colleges should be free for the first two years. First, free college would be better for more of the struggling families in the U.S. About 60% of graduated college students have student loan costs that are close to 60% of the income of their job. If the student loans …show more content…
1/10 of college student end up with over $40,000 in debt, and a few have even $100,000. As said before, $1.3 trillion in student loans is owned by 42 million Americans. This shows just how much money is really being taken out in student loans, and depending on the annual income of the families, they could take years to pay back. Many people would also have cut spending from many other areas of their life. To make matters worse lots of people are not even making any headway on their loans because they do not have a big enough budget or make enough money, as shown in studies from December 31, 2016, $137 billion in student debt have not had a payment made on them in over 270 days. Free college for even the first two years would help lower the amount of loans a student would have when they graduate. Many people say that college will never really be free because the cost will just raise taxes for other people. The average tuition cost for a college is $10,000, plus room and board, plus school supplies, plus all the expensive books. These kids would have to pay for all of that with no help from other, but with free college they could maybe share the cost with others and it would be much cheaper for everyone. Free college would fix this problem and help more people be able to pay for
Introducing free college tuition would have a positive impact of The United States, even so much as two year associate’s degree would have a hung impact. Free college tuition would give hope to the families which can’t afford the cost of tuition. Fran Cubberley states in his paper “The reality of Free Community College Tuition” that “1,300 students who completed our entry process through course registration ultimately dropped out before classes were underway. One of the major reasons was they could not pay their tuition.” Cost for tuition is huge factor on why people don’t attend college. Just think of all the amazing talent that the world is missing out on because people don’t have the money to attend college and get a degree or
In the 2016 presidential campaign free college tuition was highly debated. President Obama briefly talked about it as well. Tuition is one of the most expensive pieces of obtaining a higher education. US citizens deserve higher education. The people of America are ready for a change. College tuition should be free, so that more Americans can attend higher education and make something of themselves.
Kelsey Griffith, a soon to be Ohio Northern University graduate will also begin paying off her $120,000 student debt while working her two restaurant jobs and moving in with her parents. That doesn’t very pleasant now, does it? There are more than $1 trillion in student loans outstanding in this country, and an increasing number of borrowers are struggling to pay them off. There is a current balance of $902 billion of nationwide federal student loans. Furthermore, an additional balance of $140 billion in private student loans, none of this drowning in debt chaos would be happening if college was simply free to everyone just like dozens of other countries such as Germany, Brazil, Finland, Austria, Norway etc. Making the universities of the United states tuition free would actually be way less costly however none of this is mentioned. College debt is clearly a huge problem and there are a few things that can be done to help.
First, free college may not benefit those most in need. As Matt Bruenig, a writer who researches poverty and welfare systems, in his article “The Case Against Free College” argued, “The main problem with free college is that most students come from disproportionately well-off background and already enjoy disproportionately well-off futures, which makes them relatively uncoupling targets for public transfers…At public colleges, students from the poorest fourth of the population currently pay net tuition at either two-year or four-year institutions….Richer students currently receive much fewer tuition and living grant benefits”(113). Free college should benefit poorer students, but actually could end up helping wealthy students more. Low income
Having free college would give a lot of people the chance to study and be what they want. People going to college would boost up our economy and benefit the entire nation, besides they say they youth is our future. When students with financial problems go to college they ask for loans in order to be what they want, yet them loans are not easy to get rid off.
College is FREE!! What...Wouldn’t it be grand if college was free to citizens in the United States. College should be free to all who want to go. That way everyone could graduate debt free and start making the economy stronger. Many more would go to college if it was free and that would mean many Americans would be more educated. Many educated people tend to make smart decisions and this world could use many educated people.
I personally don't think that college should be free. Students who pay for their college are more motivated, hard working and independent. Many students would have poor motivation to finish school, because they can always come back. As a matter of fact students with ambitions to get university degree are learning much harder in high school than other, who thinks they don’t need an extra paper. There are many students that are so smart, and they will find the way to get money for school. With extra work and help from family students will be able to afford college tuitions. Students need to depend on themselves; otherwise every taxpayer will have to cover their education expenses. There are several reasons why
If college were to be made free more students all around the nation would try to get better grades so that they can get accepted into college and work on their dreams.Furthermore the government won't be wasting any money but it would be a lot more like an investment because those students who graduate from college, will eventually get jobs and start paying
If there were to be free college or lower tuition, private colleges would struggle to compete with public colleges. Free college tuition is limited by the reality not everyone wants to go to college and get a degree. Nothing would be completely free if college tuition were to vanish. Students would still need money for food, living expenses, personal items and more. Most students would still
If college was free students would have to want to continue their education and get a degree. While free would make college affordable, those receiving the benefit would need to have stipulations for the free classes they are attending. Michael J. Petrilli is the president of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute and research fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Petrilli states, “… just 40 percent of 12th graders are college-ready, even though nearly 70 percent already head straight into college.” He is correct that many high school graduates are not prepared to transition to college. Many don’t have the attention span to sit in longer classes. Students are used not study over a time period, but rather cram the night before the due assignment. Some stipulations would be; you have to finish and get a degree, you have to keep your GPA up, and if you drop out without a good reason you have to pay back the money you used.
The government would have to spend 62.6 billion dollars annually in order to make public college tuition free. A recent movement to federally mandate college funding has struck the interest of the lower, impoverished members of society. However, if college tuition were free it would be unfair, unregulated, and cost-ineffective in the long run. What does free really mean? Does it include just tuition, or room, board and books? Also, would it be completely free? Someone has to pay something somewhere down the line. There is no way to make college completely free. It would be average tax payers that will end up paying. America is already 18 trillion dollars in debt. Just imagine how much more it would be if college was free. College should not be free because it effects the entire country, lowers the value of a college degree, and despite what some may think, does not make it more equal.
Free college would only damage the United States financially more the it already is. “The biggest problem with "free college for all" is that college degrees would become as expensive and meaningless as many high school diplomas are today.” (We Can’t Afford). Free college would be a big burden on our government
College in America should be free because many citizen, especially minorities do not have the money to send their children to college. Higher education for many Americans is hindered by the extreme cost of tuition fees. A free higher education would provide many people with an education that they would otherwise not receive. The United States has to compete in a extremely competitive global economy, and because of this we need the best-educated workforce in the world says Bernie Sanders a senator from Vermont and the potential democratic candidate for the 2016 presidential election. To make the best workforce possible we need for everyone to receive a higher education so that the can contribute to our country. When people from all over the world imigrate and become citizens of the United States they have very little money and cannot afford to send their children to college. They
Another issue that would arise with higher education being free would be that the job market could have a higher supply educated workers in some fields than their demand. If college is free to the public, then the money has to really come from
Free college would save many students money which would in turn keep them out of debt. Without having to save up money, take a year off college to get a job to pay for it or take out student loans would save all students an