
Effects Of Free College Tuition

Good Essays

Introducing free college tuition would have a positive impact of The United States, even so much as two year associate’s degree would have a hung impact. Free college tuition would give hope to the families which can’t afford the cost of tuition. Fran Cubberley states in his paper “The reality of Free Community College Tuition” that “1,300 students who completed our entry process through course registration ultimately dropped out before classes were underway. One of the major reasons was they could not pay their tuition.” Cost for tuition is huge factor on why people don’t attend college. Just think of all the amazing talent that the world is missing out on because people don’t have the money to attend college and get a degree or …show more content…

They go on to state that” The average cost for tuition and fees for a four year private college averaged $19,710” that’s a hung number to worry about on up of everything else a college student has to worry about. There’s a lot time that is devoted into studying and getting good grades which in return doesn’t leave a whole lot of time which can be devoted to work. The average time a student should study is about two hours per week for each credit hour taken. For example if the student has 15 credit hours that same student should expect to study for at least 30 hours per week which is practically equal to another full time job.
In the United States there are already a few different states that are offering free college tuition. Those states being, Rhode Island, Tennessee, San Francisco, New York, Oregon and a few others. Let’s focus on the state of San Francisco a little more. In the article “San Francisco will offer free college tuition to residents” Amanda Hoover states, “Mayor Ed Lee announced an agreement to budget $5.4 million in tuition for the college Monday. Officials say that will cover tuition for current students and allow the school to expand enrollment by 20 percent. Low-income students who qualify will also see the cost of their books covered in small grants.” This will give hope to those which don’t have enough money to afford

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