
Community Conferencing Paper

Decent Essays

We will use two different types of primary research to help aid in the creation of our video. First, we will research videos containing reenactments of community conferencing which can facilitate ideas to extrapolate from to make a video of our own. It is important to analyze the videos to see if there is a certain technique that can be used to accurately depict community conferencing. Also, we will look to see which videos are more popular and analyze what they do differently so that a video we make will gain high popularity as well. It is important to make a video which highlights aspects of the Key Bridge Foundation to make people want to donate towards this organization rather than other community conferencing organizations. Another primary research we will be doing is a survey to the students of the University of Maryland. …show more content…

For example, one might be more likely to donate if they could see how much more money must be raised to reach a funding goal. Such survey answers might allow us to improve donations by adjusting how fundraisers are done. In addition, we need to know what level of understanding to potential donors have about community conferencing, but more specifically, the Key Bridge Foundation. If people already know how community conferencing works, our video can focus more on the Key Bridge Foundation. Otherwise, we may need to spend time in the video to describe the process of community conferencing. Lastly, we want to know what benefit of community conferencing people put the most value on. Whether it be reducing re-offense rates or the cost of the taxpayer, we can present statistics of the benefits of using restorative justice which makes donating worthwhile to the donator. By knowing the audience, we can better tailor a video which is descriptive yet concise enough to increase the donations

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