
Community Interview Questions

Decent Essays

1. How long have you been working in this community?

2.What is your role as a provider in this community? Nurse practitioner

3.What other departments you are collaborating within this community?
Surgery, medicine, social work, case Managment, physical therapy, Interventional Radiology

4.What population are you working with?
Young ..middle age..&geriatric. A lot are of low socioeconomic status, & uninsured.

5.What are the some of the health issues faced by patients in this community?
HTN, diabetes, Alcohol abuse, vascular problems, obesity. 6.What type of patient education do you do for your patients?
Diet, exercise, importance of taking prescribed medications, complying with meds, smoking cessation, alcohol cessation, …show more content…

Maybe more patients would get regular check-ups that would prevent extra visits to the ER as well as early diagnosis. The patients who don't have insurance usually either don't go to the clinic because they don't want to sit there for hours and also overuse the ER for problems that could have been treated at a doctor's office/ or urgent care, or by the time they get to the ER their disease is very advanced.

10.What can you do to improve community health?
Continue to Provide excellent healthcare. Spread patient awareness by providing a lot of education on meds, exercise, diet and importance of early screening and thorough follow up. We offer Community Empowerment Program, which help their members to advance their life opportunities.(through English, GED and basic education classes, counseling career, and job training.

By bringing together organizations and individuals, we are will be able to produce sustainable and measurable impact upon community

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