
Compare And Contrast All Summer In A Day And Raymond's Run

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In “All Summer in a Day” and “Raymond’s Run” 2 characters, Margot and Raymond are being bullied for being different. Margot is bullied, but could not stand up for herself while the victims of bullying in “Raymond’s Run” stood up for Raymond. Even though Margot and Raymond are being bullied, there are different reasons for their bullying and also different effects led to the bullying. “All Summer in a Day” and “Raymond’s Run” feature characters who are bullied for different reasons and to different effects, but both stories show the harmful effects of bullying. In both “All Summer in a Day” and “Raymond’s Run” there were characters who were victims of bullying. Margot, a nine-year-old girl, is bullied for being different because she came from Earth while all of her classmates had been born on Venus. Later, when the scientists predicted that the sun is finally going to come out and shine on Venus, Margot reminded her classmates the news. Having seen the sun when they had only been 2 years old, they had all forgotten what the sun looked and thinking that the sun was just all a fake, the did not believe Margot. Since her classmates didn’t believe her, they threw and locked her in a closet while enjoying the sun for an hour outside. Raymond was bullied for having a disability, but his sister, Squeaky, always stands up for him. Raymond had a big, pumpkin head and was always bullied by Gretchen and her sidekicks, for that reason. Though every time, Raymond gets bullied, Squeaky would go ferocious and fight back for him. In both stories, characters are bullied because they were different. In “All Summer in a Day” the class bullies Margot because they were jealous of her. Margot was different from the Rocket children and had seen the sun on Earth, but her classmates living on rainy Venus, their whole lives, had no memory of how the sun looked like. On page 3, paragraph 7, lines 17-18, it states,“ So, after that, dimly, dimly, she sensed it, she was different and they knew her difference and kept away.” This statement shows that she was different and the students kept away from her, making her lonely. In “Raymond’s Run” people, for example, Gretchen and her sidekicks, Rosie and Mary Louise, bully

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