Cow’s Milk vs Breast Milk, A Comparison Of Nutritional Value And Social Commentary You may find yourself wondering from time to time about why we humans drink cow’s milk, a liquid from a species that we've ended up loving so much that we’ve domesticated it and turned into a profitable industry, but, just because you like something, doesn’t mean it’s always good for you and considering more and more families are using cow milk instead of breast milk to feed their infants, we should be more aware of the benefits and possible drawbacks it has. Should we ditch cows milk entirely and pick up the humans milk to replace it, or are we going to be just fine?
Unarguably, milk plays an important role for developing infants and children as it provides
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The current definition of getials does not include breasts, as a exterior or interior reproductive organ, they are, however a secondary sex characteristic but they are comparable to an adams apple. They are a indicator of one's sex, keep in mind sex and gender are separate things, but the breasts are not a sexual organ like the adams apple isn't. The claim that it promotes seuxal hrassment and assault is a form of victim blaming, a form of twisted justification for assault and rape and blaming the victim for being attacked. The sexulization of the brest and bipple are, at large, a western phenomenon. May years ago, cis men’s nipples were considered to be seuxal as well, but due to protest that lasted from the 1900’s to 1936, cis men established the right to expose their chests. As for illegalness, most states have unclear laws on clarifying the breasts or no mentions of them at all. So, you are legally allowed to store your breast milk alongside other foods, breastfeed in public and the rape culture in America is the one promoting the sexual assault and harassment toward individuals with their chest exposed and the victim is inherently not at
Brent’s article takes a hard look at the pros and cons of donor human milk over informal milk-sharing options, and the ethical concerns parents or mothers may have concerning donor human milk versus infant-formula. It further looks at and explains the pros and cons of infant-formula and the increasing advantages of breastfeeding.
During the Cold War, the Soviets were trying to spread communism throughout Europe and Asia by exalting its achievements, and undermining democracy. Part of their approach was by launching ‘Hate-America’ propaganda. “As the Cold War intensified, the Truman administration launched an aggressive “Campaign of Truth” […] to counter the Soviet Union propaganda machine (Ubah, 2012).” The Campaign of Truth was created to help convince the world that the United States has “no purpose of going to war, except in the defense of freedom. (Vaccaro, 1950)” Truman encouraged the media to show the world that the United States was ‘wholly dedicated to the cause of peace (Vaccaro,
Christina McvayLisa Barrick English 101 September 19, 2017 Boobs Vs. Bottles All mothers want the best for their children. Multiple studies have shown that breastfeeding should be highly considered. Although, breastfeeding and bottle feeding are both alike in few ways, the numerous benefits of breastfeeding make it the best option for many mothers. Mother’s breast milk contains over 100 components, which therefore formula milk does not compete. Breastfeeding is a better option because of the cost, convenience, and all the wonderful numerous health benefits. Breast milk contains all the germ fighting antibodies that help prevent a child from getting sick. Breast milk contains antibodies. Antibodies, are passed from the mother to the child through the breast milk and help strengthen a child’s immune system. Antibodies, fight against numerous infections, viruses, prevent chronic conditions, and much more. More importantly, breastfeeding may perhaps protect babies against sudden infant death syndrome, more commonly known as, “SIDS”. Breast feeding is very beneficial for all premature babies. Breast milk naturally contains countless vitamins that a newborn requires, which formula does not contain. Breast milk contains protein that a child can easily digest, therefore breastfed babies are usually less gassy, spit up less, and less constipated. Breast milk helps give one’s child calcium and iron a lot faster with direct intake. Also, the fats from breast milk are very essential for the health and the growth of one’s baby. Likewise, breastfeeding is very beneficial for mothers, while formula is not. Breastmilk contains 20 calories per ounce, therefore, the more one feeds their child, the more calories the mother loses and increases weight loss. What mother does not want to lose the extra calories that she just ate from her last meal? Or the extra weight she may have packed on during her pregnancy? Can bottle feeding do that? No, probably not! Breastfeeding mothers can also see a change during ovulation. The more breastfeeding mothers are feeding their babies, the more prolactin their body releases. Prolactin keeps progesterone and estrogen steady, therefore the mother’s egg is not released, which would have triggered
Parents want to make the best choices for their children. At birth, the decision needs to be made on how a baby will receive nourishment. This decision can impact a child for the rest of their lives. Comparing breast milk to infant formula will determine that breast milk is definitely the best choice for babies. Breast milk is better than infant formula because it provides immune-boosting antibodies, has a higher nutritional value, and leads to higher intellectual quotient (IQ).
71% of American Woman breastfeed their babies. After a few months only 2/3 of women who breastfeed stop. Many women in industrialized nations, such as the United States, find breast feeding to be inconvenient and time consuming. Babies who are breastfed become hungry often. Approximately every one and a half to two hours a baby is hungry again. However, forumla fed babies only get hungry every 3 to 4 hours. With a busy work schdule many women feel that formula is a good alternative to breast milk. However, in early infancy nothing can replace breast milk. Breast milk is the natural food suitable for all the babies needs. Formula, on the other hand, tries to imitate it.
Macbeth was a brave warrior until he was overpowered by his ambition this caused him to change psychologically. His ambition to become the most powerful man in all of Scotland is was caused him to turn into a evil, manipulative and a wicked leader. The hallucinations and visions throughout the play gradually overcame Macbeth. The prophecies that the witchers told Macbeth, sparked the violent actions to come. The
From this experiment, it is concluded that babies who are fed breastmilk or the mixture sleep the longest compared to formula fed babies. From this conclusion we can verify that formula milk is a comfort food. For example, after 3 bottles, formula fed babies slept the longest. This confers with the idea that: because formula takes longer to digest, babies wake up to eat less often than breastfed babies. Formula gives babies longer sleep, but is it healthy? Researchers determined formula as a comfort food, which leads to formula fed babies to being overweight from overeating. When being compared with breastmilk and the mixture, around the meal sizes 1 and 2 bottles, in table 1, both the mixture and breastmilk fed babies had longer sleep times
Got milk? The majority of us do. For years, we have been encouraged to drink more milk. We have been told that milk is good for us; thus, it has become an integral part of our diet. For most Americans, the notion that milk is essential is as elementary as the fact that one plus one equals two. But the science declares otherwise. Though dairy products are actually detrimental to health, the dairy industry pushes for greater milk consumption for economic gain. The dairy industry has fooled us effectively on an unfathomably immense scale by distorting facts and influencing politics.
There are many misconceptions today about feeding formula to babies and it being equal to breastfeeding. Breast milk is complex and species-specific; it targets growth and development of infants and provides disease protection. Both breast milk and formulas contain similar nutrients, but formulas are not an exact copy of breast milk. Formula may maintain growth and development, but it doesn’t contain hormones, live cells, immunologic agents, or enzymes, all of which are contained in breast milk. Breast milk contains four-hundred nutrients that cannot be recreated in a laboratory. Formula compositions don’t change to meet the infant’s changing needs. Although many formulas are similar to breast milk, they have drastic differences in
Quote 1: Throughout the entire essay, Annie Dillard states that the ultimate way one should strive to act is like a “wild” weasel. Dillard emphasizes in order to achieve our final goal, through our actions we should act “mindlessly.” Ironically she promotes the characteristic of “mindlessness,” while our main function is to use logic to justify our acts. However, Dillard suggests that we should live by using our instincts rather than our intellect to avoid prejudice. She claims that we should thoughtlessly go about our life avoiding choices. Contrary to what Dillard believes, it is crucial to reflect on every decision one makes.
The American academy of pediatrics (AAP) and World health organisation recommend breastfeeding as the best choice for babies aganst Formula feeding. The ultimate decision on which to choose lies with trhe Mother, however, I will compare breastfeeding against formula feeding.
Mothers around the world have a common goal, to give their babies the best of everything. All mothers want their babies to have the best chances at life to thrive and survive. When a new mother has had her baby, the next question usually is will you breastfeed or bottle feed your baby? For some, that might be a very easy decision and for others it will be a complicated issue as it’s a decision that has to be made early. For mothers in Africa, the choice is particularly hard, especially if they have AIDS. These mothers risk much more than most moms to give their babies the best chance of survival. Information is not easy to come by to educate these women in their choices. Infection can still be passed on, antibiotics have to be given and food is still scarce but formula is so expensive that it often cannot be considered because money is not available for that big of a purchase. Breastfeeding is the best tool a mother can give a baby.
For many years now humans have been deceived that cow’s milk will provide many health benefits.
Throughout our lives we have been told that milk is good for our body and helps to toughen our bones. Drinking milk started when people domesticated animals for food, which happened around 7500 years ago in the central Balkans and central Europe. By that time consuming milk was not as common as it is today. It was only farmers in some specific regions that were using cow’s milk. Milk’s market grew the mass production of meat in the 15th century. Afterwards in the 17th century, the idea of eating out and going to restaurants was born and fast food industries, started using animal’s meat for producing their meals. The rate of milk users grew with the rate of meat users and milk’s market got bigger and bigger every day. Mothers
If you were able to produce milk for your child and had no complications with feeding, would you be more willing to feed your baby that way? Or would you still pick formula? It’s an important decision the mom has to make not only for herself but for her child as well. Moms still today don’t know the benefits of breastfeeding and are quick to pick up a can of formula because of rumors or just lack of education on the subject. The benefits of breast feeding extend well beyond basic nutrition. There is no greater feeling in the world, then knowing that your body is able to produce food for your child. Unlike formula, where you're not too sure what all is in each can.