
Compare And Contrast Grant And Lee

Decent Essays

In the Civil War, both Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee played major roles in how it turned out. They have many similarities and differences, and the author of the essay that will be analysed, Bruce Catton, brought out and explained those similarities and differences. Ulysses S. Grant and Robert E. Lee come from completely different backgrounds, Grant growing up on the Western frontier, while Lee was a tidewater Virginian. Catton’s purpose for contrasting them is to show their obvious differences, but the reason for comparing them afterwards is to show the similarities that aren’t as apparent as their differences, by saying how similar they were on the battlefield, despite their contrasting childhoods and views. Even though Robert …show more content…

When looking at paragraph 5, the text states that, “Lee was a tidewater Virginia, and his background were family, culture, and tradition…” and that, “In such a land Lee stood for the feeling that it was somehow of advantage to human society to have a pronounced inequality in the social who lived not to gain advantage for themselves, but to meet the social obligations which had been laid on them by the very fact they were privileged.” Another example is shown at paragraph 7 and 8 showing Grant’s background which contrasts to Lee’s, “Grant, the son of a tanner on the Western frontier, was everything Lee was not.” and, “These frontier men were the precise opposite of tidewater aristocrats...They stood for democracy, not from any reasoned conclusion about the proper ordering of human society, but simply because they had grown up in the middle of democracy and knew how it worked...Their society might have privileges, but they would be privileges each man had won for himself...No man was born to anything, except perhaps to a chance to show how far he could rise.” These excerpts chosen above show the obvious differences between the two men; Grant, a Western frontier man who had to build his way up through the ranks, was self-reliant and was not born into a privileged

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