
Compare And Contrast Grant And Lee

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In the end of the Civil War. We will consider Robert E. Lee and Ulysses S. Grant to all be hero’s The two generals will earn a great reputation and will go down as one of the best generals for the years to come. These two changed todays American History and how we can know better understand how the war actually came about. We know that these two made life decisions out on the battle field. We know that the both of them gave everything they had for their homeland. Though we know that their choices would representative. We know for Robert E. Lee his major success leading up to this was success in the United States Army. What made Lee did that made it so remarkable was he carried a lot about what the United States government was doing and believed …show more content…

Lee was the type of general that could lead by example. He new how to inspire his men. He was born into a rich family, and had a strong military background in his family. This is why when lee became the general for the south. He had great leadership skills and an inspiration to lead the men of the Confederates. What also made Lee look so good was he was able to take his men and do the impossible with what limited resources he was given Whereas Grant was the type of general who lead by his manpower and knowledge around him. Grant at first came up through the ranks, and was kind of the unknown. Till they found out how great of a general he was. Though the main thing that Grant may have been criticized on was some of his military tactics, but he was good at using his access to Northern resources. Grants main goal during the Civil War was to wear down General Lee, and try to overwhelm him till he surrenders. The biggest thing that Grant had going for him was great superiors around him and a ton of resources. Whereas with General Lee he did not have all of these advantages, and had to take what he could …show more content…

General Grant learned a lot by hit and miss. What a lot of people do not know about Grant is he almost lost his first battle due to lack of discipline from his troops. What hurt Grant so much was his education from West Point was not to his advantage. The Civil War began to grow dramatically because telegraph and trains became a way to transport goods and other products, but for the telegraphs made it easier to rely messages to one another. Grant had a famous line he said “Some of our generals failed because they worked out everything by rule… They were always thinking about what would Napoleon do. Unfortunately for their plans, the rebels would be thinking about something else.” (“Ulysses S. Grant.”). Grant did a lot of rule playing during the war because he only liked to make moves when they were necessary. For instance at the battle of Vicksburg. Grant would abandoned supply lines to live off the land. Grant one said “Find out where you enemy is, get at him as soon as you can and strike him as hard as you can and keep moving on” (“Ulysses S. Grant.”). Grant started to understand that the war that went on was a blood field mess. This is why Grant became determined to not losing to the south. When Grant was battleing it out with Lee he knew he had more men and could spend more lives in order to win. Grant was always prepared when it came to having enough supply’s He kept his men ready for battle and encouraged them to

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