
Compare And Contrast John Newman And Frederick Douglass

Decent Essays

John Newman was born in the 1800’s and was sent to school at the age of seven. He took school very seriously and he played no causal school games with others students. He was a scholar of writing such as; poems and popular hymns. Later in years, he became a priest, an expert in theology, and nationally known as an influential religious leader.
Frederick Douglass was also born in the 1800's but born into slavery. Frederick became one of the most influential African American of the nineteenth century. In contrast to Newman,
Douglass was not generally instructed; For a long time, Douglass couldn't read or compose and had little proficiency. His determination prevailed, he was an activist against slavery and became a bestseller by writing about his experiences as a slave.
Even though Newman and Douglass have very different backgrounds, they were both eager to learn & show everyone the importance of literacy. Both were somewhat controversial in their times. Newman said that social, moral and spiritual aspects should be included in education. He believed the importance in the free rights of knowledge as well as the rights of revelation.
For Douglass, learning to read was a direct correlation with freedom & was forbidden for slaves. He was successful with his activism with civil rights by stressing education and overcoming slavery. In all Both Newman and Douglass had strong beliefs in regards to literacy and wanted equality for all to learn with no indifferences.

II. Douglass

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