
Compare And Contrast Mill And Utilitarianism

Decent Essays

Utilitarianism is defined as the ethical theory that explores the " utility" concept. Two gentlemen thaat were considered to be well know utilitarians were Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill. This theory was first presented by Bentham. Mills job was to improve the theory. Mills ideas were very close to that pertaining to that of the Rule Utilitarianism. Actually Mills was the one who provided the name for this theory. It is the same theory, just explored differently. Both men provided their own ideas as to what would be the more effective approach to Utilitarianism (Mulgan 2007)
One noticeable difference between the two philosophers theories and their views on utility was the idea about intrinisic good. Bentham thought the action of goodness should be measured based on how much pleasure it produces. There were two things that was very important to …show more content…

For example, he considered food and sex to be part of the "lower" category. Yet fine art and poetry would be part of the "higher" category. Bentham used examples such as a childrens game called push pin to support his opinion that a game such as this could create the same pleasure within someone that may be experienced when a person reads a book. Mills did not agree with this theory of course. He believed that its not important how a person experiences happiness but its the quality of pleasure that the person experiences. For Bentham, a ethical act would be the amount of pleasure produced for that person. Mills believed that a act is considered ethical if it iis done by following certain rules.(Mulgan 2007.)Mills and Bentham sought to create a theory of ethics that would create the most happiness. They both believed that this was the foundation for justice. as well as the best way one could live. Unfortunately they did disagree on how one could or should go about achieving the ultimate happiness in ones life. (Mulgan,

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