
Compare And Contrast Paleolithic And Neolithic

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The Stone Age was divided into two eras, The Paleolithic and the Neolithic. During the Paleolithic Era, humans mostly foraged for food, used crude tools, and depended heavily on the environment around them. By the time the Neolithic Era began, people were developing more complex technology, social organization, using fire, and living sedentary lifestyles because of the discovery of agriculture. During the Paleolithic era, hominids used the natural materials in the environment around them (mostly wood, bone, and animal skin) to create simple tools and shelter, which started out mainly in caves and canyons. With the discovery of fire about one million years ago, humans were able to make simple structures like tents and huts to live in. Fire …show more content…

Tools that have been interpreted as cheese-strainers show that farmers in the sixth millennium BCE were able to process dairy. This was a major innovation for early humans and a step to eating more food without having to kill wild animals. In addition, it was during the Neolithic Era that people made the gradual switch to farming and food production from foraging. During this transition, they found animals in the wild and learned to domesticate them. They also began to selectively breed their crops for various traits, leading to the creation of new species. For example, one species of cabbage was selectively bred into the creation of several new plant species, including kale, brussels sprouts, and cauliflower. As these farmers transitioned into eating more farmed food, they also stopped taking in as many nutrients as they had been. This caused the human species as a whole to get shorter, their bones lighter, and their brains smaller. Since meat is also a good source of vitamin D, this change may have caused the skin of northern farmers to lighten, as they weren’t getting as much sun and therefore vitamin D as southern

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