
Compare And Contrast Serfdom In Russia

Decent Essays

A typical belief of serfdom in Russia's history versus slavery in America's history is that they are grouped together. However, serfdom in Russia is a completely different system of servitude compared to slavery in America. Slavery is " the condition in which one person is owned as property by another and is under the owner's control especially in involuntary servitude" (Free Dictionary Website) whereas Serfdom is " a member of the lowest feudal class, legally bound to a landed estate and required to perform labor for the lord of that estate. " (Free Dictionary Website). Therefore, Serfs have a better lifestyle and treatment compared to slaves. In serfdom system of Russia, the Russian czar needed revenue to rule his country such as infrastructure projects, businesses and supplies for the war. The only source of revenue is through the people. Since the land was vast and needed constant control, the Czar granted lands to nobles, in which their production would generate revenue for the czar. The nobles needed to cultivate the land they were allotted and therefore needed people to grow crops and secure the land from other nobles. The nobles would then hire servants, known as serfs, to help him cultivate the land to create revenue for the nobles to send to the czar. In …show more content…

Serfs don't have hard all day and all week. Andrei Chikhachev, a Russian noble, gives his peasants three days of corvee labor, three days to work on the land, and a day of rest in which they must spend in prayer and worship. The slaves, on the other hand, must work on the plantation from sun up to sun down and some must fulfill domestic duties as well. Depending on the master, they are allowed to have a day of rest or they are forced to work without any

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