
Compare And Contrast The 27th Amendment And The 26th Amendment

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The final two amendments to the United States Constitution, the 26th and 27th, are arguably two of the most interesting in terms of their ratification process. The 26th amendment, ratified on July 1, 1971, stated that the right of any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 could not be denied their right to vote, lowering the federal voting age from 21 to 18. In contrast, The 27th amendment, ratified on May 7, 1992, required that there shall be no change in the compensation of U.S. Senators or Representatives until an election has intervened. The 26th only took three months and eight days to be ratified following its submission to the states, making it the quickest to be ratified. The 27th was first proposed in 1789 as a part of the Bill of Rights, but it took over 202 years and seven months to be ratified, making it the longest time for an amendment to be ratified. Despite the differences in subject matter for each, there has been questions about why the 26th was ratified so quickly and why the 27th took so long. The 26th was likely ratified so quickly because many Americans believed that if they were able to get drafted into the army, they should have the right to vote. It represented a bigger issue in the U.S opposed to the 27th, and because of this it was ratified much more quickly. Prior to WWII the legal voting age everywhere in the United States had been 21, since the ratification of the U.S. constitution in 1787. The constitution left the decision to the states after the

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