
Leave The Voting Age Analysis

Decent Essays

As the upcoming election approaches, society it concerned with the current voting age of 18 years old. In the United States 18 years of age is considered an adult, as they can vote, join the army, and make many decisions by themselves without the consent from a parent. The voting age has been constant for a good deal of time. In Leave the Voting Age Alone Jenny Cheng states that, “The 26th Amendment, ratified in 1971, establishes 18 as the minimum voting age for both state and federal elections.” Even though this age has remained constant and has worked for decades now, there are still a multitude of people who desire to either raise or lower the voting age. The voting age was amended with serious and extensive reasoning therefore the voting age should not be changed. The opposition argues that there are …show more content…

Peter Tucci’s article recommends raising the voting age to 25 years old so that everyone’s frontal lobes are completely mature and they can exhibit proper judgement. However, specific evidence isn’t provided that states the exact age at which our frontal lobes are fully done growing. This is because everyone matures differently, therefore we cannot set a voting age specific to everyone individually. With that, by the time one is well into their twenties they have already been adult for 7 years. That is 7 years full of major decisions that have effected them and they haven’t had a say in the incumbent. Raising the voting age would be a large waste of time. Attempting to get this change passed would be nearly impossible due to the disagreement in how we should alter the age. On top of that, it would have to go through congress which is a hefty task in itself. For 45 years 18 has been the age at which people can vote, enlist in the armed forces, and are considered adults. Altering the voting age would cause an unnecessary uproar that would not result in any

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