
Compare And Contrast The Devil's Arithmetic

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The devil's arithmetic. A great book,full of hope and sorrow and sadness. The story of a young girl learning to do the right thing in this cruel world. Unfortunately they made a movie that was quite frankly awful,like so bad I would never watch again. It just did not portray the book in the slightest. Therefore naturally I have to dissect both the versions of the story and compare and contrast them. The Devil’s Arithmetic is a story written by Jane Yolen. The book was published in 1988 and the movie in 1999.The story is about a young girl named Hannah who lives in the 1980’s. She has brown hair and braces and she does not want to go to cedar(Jewish passover). She goes through the Jewish rituals of Passover and finally she finishes when her …show more content…

One of the main characters of the book was not in the book. This disappointed me greatly since I liked this character and I felt she showed what these people went through and gave them hope. Another character the movie left out was Aaron,Hannah's brother from present time who was kind of a big part of the story. Another greatly missed main character was Wolfe is otherwise known as grandpa will. Grandpa Will was in the story and movie during present time, but he was not in the movie during 1942. Rachel,esther,Yente and Shifre all characters she meets at the wedding in the book. Rachel dies in the box car, but the other surviving with her at the concentration camps. Rivka was also messed up in the movie! In the book Rivka was met at camp and she was a worker who befriended Hannah. In the movie they said she was her cousin! Another gripe I have to make is the fact that they left out The butcher! The butcher with two children who were also left out! The four people who try to escape in the movie they were all caught, but one of them gets away The butcher! Who leads a life in Israel eventually with Girl. The OTHER main character they forgot. In the book the people who tried to escape were not hung, but shot and in the book Shmuel's wife jumps in shmuel's arms and they are both killed together.Not hung! Nor gassed! The plot was also different! In the

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