
Compare And Contrast The Government And The Federal Government

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Katie Forman Period 8 11-10-2016 The Government Comparison The federal government did drastically change at the beginning of the 20th century (the early 1900’s). From laws and acts passed by congress, to presidential actions and speeches. Each one of the presidents did new things in their terms to try and improve the county. They also put thought into the resources of the earth they wanted there to be enough for the future generations. The government stopped thinking about itself and began to think of the people and the future. The laws that were passed by the government split up monopolies. One of the laws that was created was the Sherman Antitrust Act, that was the first Federal act that outlawed monopolistic business practices. The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890 was the first measure passed by the U.S. Congress to prohibit trusts. After that the Clayton Antitrust Act was created to elaborate on the general provisions of the Sherman Act and specified a number of illegal practices that either contributed to or resulted from companies taking over. It outlawed commercial practices such as charging different prices to different customers, the buying out of competitors and combining boards of directors. This allowed for farmers and big companies to be able to compete equally. The government also established the Federal Trade Commission, an agency with the power to investigate possible violations of antitrust laws and to issue …show more content…

Theodore Roosevelt decide to actually get funding for the National park service. He wanted the environment and animals to be safe for future generations, he ended up saving 150 national parks. He made reserves and habitat for wildlife that ensuring future experiences with them. Theodore Roosevelt could had done this with out the help of the government. Future presidents carried out this legacy and added to it which is why it is still here

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