
Differences And Similarities Between Federal, State, And Local Government

Good Essays

Government Machinery
Jordan Elias
Northern Arizona University

There are a variety of differences and similarities between federal, state, and local governments. This includes, but is not limited to, the responsibilities, size, and staff of the administration. The machinery of government is intended to better the quality of citizen’s lives. Ultimately, federal, state, and local governments were established to work together in bettering programs and laws (Berkley & Rouse, 2009, p.32). The responsibilities included in the different settings of government vary greatly. The core federal goals are to be the “organizational mechanism through which governments manage power” (Gerston, 2007, p.5). Federal government is commonly a middle ground between residents and state. While there are federal laws, many regulations of government are left up to state administration. State, county, and local administration responsibilities are to serve specific demographic areas. These governments are municipal. Unlike the federal government, they don’t organize international concerns, they are focusing internally. Both the state and federal governments work hard to keep our homeland running safely and smoothly. The responsibilities that federal, state, and local governments have in common are structure and what is in the best interest of those who live in the United States (Shafritz, Russell, Borick, & Hyde, 2017, 104). The administration that runs federal,

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