
Compare And Contrast The Personal Codes Of The Kite Runner

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Personal Code Some people like to live in a fantasy that no matter what happens and how you are affected, you will always be the same person. I disagree with this; and only people with a very strong psyche will be able to be the same after a traumatic event. In the book The Kite Runner, two characters really stand out as people i can relate to; Amir and Baba. These two show how hard it is to be the same person in a place where everything is falling apart and out to get you. It is a mental battle that everybody faces in their life at some point or another. Most people, whether they know it or not, follow a personal code. I believe that is how someone can be who they are in their own mind, regardless of your surroundings and how you were brought up. My personal code focuses on respect, loyalty, and self-preservation; Amir and Baba, from The Kite Runner, both show these qualities very well. …show more content…

if you can not respect someone, do not expect them to respect you. This word has lost a lot of meaning over time, and it is sad to see. Respect to me is knowing that no matter what I do, say, or think, the person never thinks twice to taking my side and defending me and vice versa. In the book, Amir says, "In the end, I was Pashtun and he was Hazara, I was Sunni and he was Shi'a, and nothing was ever going to change that." This is powerful. Amir is friends with a hazara, an “outcast” to the afghani culture, while he is Pashtun, one of the highest casts. But they are still friends, and that is respect. It is like rap artist Kendrick Lamar(a Piru) and Schoolboy Q(a Crip) being friends. that takes a tremendous amount of

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