
Compare And Contrast The Relationship Between Milkweed Flower And A Monarch Butterfly

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Symbiotic relationships are referred to a special type of partnership between a lot species. These relationships can sometimes be beneficial or sometimes even harmful. These kinds of cohesion are essential for many ecosystems and organism today. They provide a working balance that can only be achieved by working with each other. When two different species somehow finds a way to coexist and it’s beneficial for both sides, is often referred to a mutualistic relationship. A good example of this in Mother Nature is the relation between a milkweed flower and a monarch butterfly. If we compare it to human relationship we usually can compare it to the relationship among men and their call girls. Why do they have so much in common? How is the relation between a milkweed flower and a monarch butterfly mutualistic? Adult monarchs often look for a milkweed flower to lay their eggs, and when they find a place usually they leave their eggs …show more content…

Women who get into the field of sexual services or at this point, prostitution are there for many reasons. A lot of women finds out about how much money they can make while there are still young and gets obsessed with money. Others see it as a way to pay for something, like education or loans that need to be paid back. A lot of women leave the business after their reach their desired goal. For many of them they see themselves as rescuers, giving men something they want and need. Despite being about the money, a lot of other women do it because it’s the only way to survive. From drug addicts to girls involved in human trafficking. So they really don’t have a choice, because it’s the only way to make a living and not die. So all in all women do it because they want the money and men want the sex, kind of a win and win situation right here. You may call it a mutualistic relationship, both sides understands what they need and what they want, there are both benefitting from this

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