
Compare And Contrast The Stereotypes Of Gamers

Decent Essays

A gamer is someone who plays video games as a hobby. Gamers are usually quite good at this hobby. Gaming has been around since 1958. It’s ancient. Few people in the United States have gone untouched by video games at some point in their lives. In fact, it is estimated that the number of gamers around the world is about 1.2 billion people. That is a good portion of Earth’s 7.2 billion population. Gaming is huge. Despite that, there are quite a few stereotypes regarding gamers. Some people seem to think that gamers are all a bunch of nerdy losers who do nothing but sit around and waste their lives behind a monitor and with a controller in their hands. No matter how many gamers are not like this, there will always be at least one individual who will fit this stereotype perfectly. But, this paper will bring to light some things that are more typically true of most gamers, regardless of what other stereotypes they may happen to fit. Believe it or not, video games can actually be …show more content…

For example, the act of playing a video game gives the brain a break from day-to-day life and helps the brain cool down by focusing on other, less stressful things. While video games do have the tendency to be violent and fast-paced, there are plenty of games that are meant to be a relaxing experience. For example, flash games like ‘Flow’ are accessible to anyone on the Internet. ‘Flow’ is a game where the player starts off as a tiny organism consisting of only a mouth and a torso. The calm, tranquil music of the game ease the mind into a state of relaxation as the gamer play and develop into a higher functioning organism in the game. Other flash games are good for people whose brains won't "sit still" and who have trouble concentrating. So one can argue that gamers are highly adapted at finding ways to relax and hone their focus. Though relaxing games do a great job at calming the mind, ironically, violent games can calm the mind, as the following paragraph will

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