
Compare And Contrast The Story Of An Hour And The Interlopers

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When comparing "the interlopers" to "the story of an hour" Both differences and similarities can be found. The Interlopers tells the story of two lifelong enemies, Ulrich con Gradwitz and his neighbor Georg. The two men get into a feud over a plot of land, and on a stormy night, they set out into the woods to find and kill each other.They come face to face, but before either man can bring himself to raise his rifle, a nearby tree falls due to a lightning strike, and pins Ulrich and Georg underneath. After bickering for some time as to whose group would come to their rescue first, Ulrich suggests that they abandon the fued that caused them to be in this situation in the first place. Georg agrees, and together they call for help. They feel a sense of relief when they see the figures approaching from far off. Georg asks whose men they are, but Ulrich does not respond.Georg …show more content…

They were Wolves. The story of an hour is about a woman named Mrs. Mallard, who received the news that her husband died. After she excuses herself to her room, she feels conflicted. She is obviously devastated that her husband is dead, but she also acknowledges that she now has freedom she had lacked before. Her sister Josephine knocks on the door. Mrs. Mallard tells her to leave her alone, and continues to fantasize about her new life. Eventually, her sister does convince her to go downstairs. The front door suddenly opens, and in walks Mr. Mallard. He is very much alive, and unaware of the fact that anyone thought otherwise. The story comes to a close with “When the doctors came they said she had died of heart disease-of the joy that kills.” This implies that Mrs. Mallard's heart could not handle the shock of seeing her supposedly dead husband, and she died of a heart attack. The similarities between these two stories are hard to find and easy to overlook. Several similarities can be found between the two, upon a closer

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