
Compare And Contrast The Synthesis Of Dna And Anti-Codons

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DNA is used to make polypeptides by having the DNA copied into mRNA. mRNA is pretty much a replication of DNA, making one strand instead of two. Then the mRNA fits into the pores, or tiny holes of the endoplasmic and reticulum. Then it forms into a protein, folding itself to get out of the cell and going out into the rest of the body. there are things called codons and anti-codons that relate to this process. Codons are 3 nitrogen bases that make up one amino acid, and anticodons are a part of the process called transcription. Transcription is when mRNA copies the sequence of the bases in an amino acid. Ribosomes help this process ouot, in which they set up a certain destination for which the DNA can be copied. However, translation is a process

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