
Comparing Belle's Beauty And The Beast

Good Essays

Throughout my childhood, I have been exposed to Disney’s many tales, but Beauty and the Beast had always been my favorite. My young brain thought that beauty was different from the other princesses; she was beautiful, but much more than that she was kind, talented and intelligent. Her intelligence and her love of books is what appealed to me much more than her renowned beauty. But as I got older I began to realize in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast (1991), Belle’s intelligence was replaced with a romance between herself and the Beast. Now it was all about love and sacrifice. Instead of being at the core of her personality, Belle’s supposed intelligence is a pretense that conceals her true value to the story as a supporting figure that is present only as a supporting role to first her father and then the beast.
Until a few weeks ago, I was only familiar with the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast, then I read Beauty and Beast story, La Belle et La Bête (1757) by Madame Jeanne Marie LePrince de Beaumont. This version of the tale features a family of the new …show more content…

Disney’s Beauty and the Beast deprive Belle of her independence, freedom, and self worth. As opposed to the men in Disney’s version of the story, Belle is portrayed as demure and civilized. Beast is of course a Beast, but Gaston is downright beastly with a thin veneer of good looks. The main reason Beauty and the Beast was such a favorite of mine, was that Belle seemed to be in charge of her own life, she chose to be studious and not vain, she chose to rescue her father and go to the beast, she chose each aspect of her life, but it is Beast who progresses from an errant and temperamental child to a respectful Prince. Despite having independence (however limited) the story no longer is her story. She is the supporting character in the story of first the father, then Gaston and finally the

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