
Comparing Beowulf And Batman

Decent Essays

Chapter I- Introduction

Summary of Beowulf
Beowulf is the 3182 lines longest surviving Old English poem. It survives in a single manuscript, thought to date from the turn of eleventh century, though the composition of the poem is usually placed in the eight or early ninth centuries, perhaps in an Anglian region. The Action is set in Scandinavia, and the poem is chiefly concerned with the Geats (now Southern Sweden), Danes and Swedes. It falls into two main sections from line 1- 2199 it describes how young Beowulf’s defeat of two monsters, Grendel and his mother, at the request of King Hrothgar, and from the line 2200 -3182, comprise of telling how an aged Beowulf, now king defeats a fire- bathing …show more content…

This is what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object. You truly an incorruptible, aren’t you? You won’t kill me out of some misplaced sense of self- righteousness. And I won’t kill you because you’re just too much fun. I think you and I are destined to do this forever.”(Batman: The Killing Joke). Batman when fight with crimes, he fights it with some restrictions, because he believe in justice is for all and all deserve a chance that why he is never willing to kill Joker, and whenever he catches him he put him in the Arkham Asylum. In all the Batman series, it is high lightened that if one wants to make a change in the world he simply can’t fight with rules and ordeals of the world which is conveyed by one of the dialogue by Harvey Dent a.k.a Two- Face to Batman, “You thought we could be decent men in an indecent time. But you were wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in a cruel world is chance. Unbiased. Unprejudiced. Fair” (Batman: The Dark Knight). Batman try to fight the rules and regulation of this cruel world and in …show more content…

The main dissimilarities lie behind their intentions. Humility has become a desired truth in modern times today, whereas in Beowulf’s time self – confidence to the point of hauteur as a favorable attribute. Beowulf fights the monsters for praise and worthiness. On the other hand, Batman never reveals his identity when fighting criminals, therefore showing he is not looking for praise but rather protecting the innocent citizens out of the goodness of his heart and justice. Batman cannot accept any physical awards or gifts, because than it would blow his cover. Batman understands this and is not discouraged from doing what he thinks is right because he will not receive gifts or rewards for it. Beowulf does what he thinks is right because he wants to help those around him. When Beowulf kills the dragon, he too was mortally wounded. As his last words, he told Wiglaf that it would make him happy to see the loot he has won from the dragon for his people. If Beowulf is happy that his people are benefitting from his action, then he is unselfish. Batman and Beowulf are both heroes in different places, but in the same

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