
Comparing Friar Lawrence To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

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Romeo and Juliet are led to suicide by a large number of people. They are a pair of teenagers that are apart of two powerful households that are at conflict with each other. At the beginning of the play Romeo is in love with a fellow noble named Rosaline. Eventually, Rosaline does not love Romeo back and he begins to look for love again at the behest of Mercutio. There he finds Juliet at the party that is being held by Lord Capulet. Over the next four days their "love" escalates and it leads to the death of the couple, along with four others. Who is to blame for the deaths of these young lovers? Everybody in the play contributes to Romeo and Juliet's deaths, but it is mainly because of, in my opinion, Balthasar, Mercutio, and Friar Lawrence. …show more content…

Although, the Friar's intentions were well meant and were supposed to help the couple they did the opposite. The most obvious action he contributed to the ruination of Romeo and Juliet was his plan. The scheme consisted of calling Romeo back to Verona via letter and showing him that Juliet was indeed living. Going along with this plan is the Friar giving Juliet the sleeping potion. He also encouraged them to court each other, and to go so far as to marry them together. After the marriage, Friar Lawrence and Juliet's nurse worked together to bed Juliet. All of this adds up to have Friar Lawrence to blame for their deaths, even if he thought many of his decisions

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