
Comparing Love In Romeo And Juliet

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The tenor thudding of a heart beat, tightening of the chest, and feeling like your sanity could be replaced with a series of intense emotions; these are all potential symptoms when “lovesick.” Throughout the entirety of human experiences, love has remained a universal feeling. Even given potential barriers, love is an emotion that can be easily translated. Humans not only translate this emotion through a variety of different behaviors, but they also translate it using a variety of other tools. Helping to convey the message, literature, film, and experiences, are all tools used by humans to translate the meaningful emotion.
While some may assume that it a coincidence that both love and literature start with the letter “L,” literature has a history of capturing this inexplicable feeling through the art of …show more content…

In the well known Romeo and Juliet, the two take their own lives in fear of living without the other. Juliet fakes her death to avoid confronting her family about the forbidden love shared with Romeo, “still believing Juliet to be dead, he drinks the poison. Juliet then awakens and, finding Romeo dead, stabs herself with his dagger.” While Shakespeare’s portrayal of love was traditionally morbid, he used the story as an exaggerated way of translating how powerful love can actually be. Another example of love in literature is displayed in “The Fault in our Stars” by John Green. The modern text about a girl falling in love accurately depicts the idea behind unconditional love. Hazel Grace, the main character, has terminal cancer. Before meeting the mysterious Augustus– a mysterious love interest who had also been previously impacted by cancer–Hazel viewed herself as a burden and had a hard time comprehending the importance of love. However, Augustus would not let her accept the miserable reality that she had accepted

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