
Comparing Maus And Persepolis

Decent Essays

Each of these graphic memoirs participates in fragmentation in order to contextualize grand historical narratives on a personal level, which therefore makes them more effectively processed. Neither Maus nor Persepolis endeavor to provide a wholesale truth about the historical events they archive, but their works function as a method of processing the traumas that each author faced. Spiegelman and Satrapi’s memoirs provide a personal human perspective to events that standard historical archives usually do not manage to portray. While, there is a contract entered between the author and the reader when someone writes an autobiography, in the sense that it cannot be considered an autobiography at all if the reader does not agree to understand the story as the truth and not as a work of fiction, the reader must also be able to interpret memories as pieces of the narrative. …show more content…

Memories and the author’s construction of themselves in autobiography only provide single experiences of a certain person or several certain people within the historical narrative, but they are also an essential part of making the historical archive a more human field of

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