
Comparing Mesopotamia And Egypt Essay

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Civilizations, such as Mesopotamia and Egypt, although are unique and have differences, can also share common traits to help develop their foundation (Bentley, 2005). As these are two of the earliest civilizations, both share cities, government (political) systems, agriculture, religions, codes of laws, social systems, and even arts and architectures that make these two civilizations alike and can also set them apart from one another.

Mesopotamia and Egypt were both polytheistic, meaning that many gods and goddesses were recognized and existed with one another (Matthews, Noble, & Platt, 2014). Not only was religion important to both Mesopotamians and Egyptians, but also the day to day of these religious laws and customs of the people. It is important for people to maintain healthy relationships with the gods for their crops and how they’re treated. Many of the gods and goddesses to both civilizations were elements of nature. Nature gods …show more content…

Similar to a pyramid, there are five classes in each social system for Mesopotamia and Egypt (Matthews et al, 2014). The top is the ruler, which is different in both civilization. However, the other four are the same. Under the ruler, are clergy members, army, or judicial system; followed by rich landowners, military chiefs, scribes, and architects; followed by the farmers, merchants, brewers, craftspeople, and low-level businesspeople and tradesman; finally at the bottom, slaves, tenant farmers, and small landowners (Matthews et al, 2014). The ruling class, on the other hand, was different. Mesopotamian kings were appointed by someone from the gods on Earth, however, the Egyptian ruler was a god. Government (political) systems receive their economic strength for both Mesopotamia and Egypt for their kingdoms were based on power from the gods and agriculture. However, Mesopotamian rulers were based more on warriors and Egyptian rulers were Pharaohs, god-kings (Matthews et al,

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