
Comparing Nature Methaphors In The Battle Of Issus And Starry Night

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Nature Methaphors in The Battle of Issus and Starry Night
Since the beginning, nature has been one of mans many inspirations. It is used to convey emotions and bring meaning in many ways in art. During the Northern Renaissance Albrecht Altdorfer was one of the most distinguished painters known for his expressively detailed landscapes. The Battle of Issus done by Altdorfer focused on nature to further amplify Alexander’s victorious battle. Three hundred and sixty years later, the Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh creates a work that also showed how nature can bring emotion and significance to his painting Starry Night. Albrecht Altdorfer’s The Battle of Issus in one of the artist most famous works depicting the exploits of historic heroes. [1] …show more content…

Van Gogh paints the town in proximity to show the closeness of the town however, not only for unity but to show the relationship of the town. Van Gogh also uses cool tones in repetition to show unity throughout the whole painting. The paintings also have the motif of death or demise with a tall dark figure. Both Altdorfer and Van Gogh relates to each other compositionally however it is mot they only way. The Battle of Issus and Starry Night both uses nature as a metaphor to further convey a type of emotion and a type of conflict behind it. In his landscape, Altdorfer personifies nature to express the antagonistic emotion of war while showing conflict of man vs. man and the effect it had on the world. In the painting the moon and sun are transformed into Darius and Alexander. The moon was a representation of the Darius because the crescent was the symbol of Persia. The sun is the symbol for Alexander the Great because he was also known as “the sun god”[2]. According to Tom Lubbock from The Independent, “The sky takes up the battle. The arrayed and turbulent cloud formations are forces fighting it out. The heavens join in. It makes the battle look legendary, of historical or cosmic …show more content…

Motif of death also accord in Van Gogh’s painting. The looming cypress tree signifies death and immortality. In the painting the cypress tree is allowed to touch the heavens signifying that death is the ultimate way to be closer to God. Van Gogh also uses the cypress to detach himself from the town. Because he was a very troubled and depressed man he felt that he could not live in harmony like the people in the valley. The only thing he could do was hope for death so that he could feel the strength of the heavens. In Contrast both artists used nature as a metaphor but, the emotional tone of the paintings is not the same. In The Battle of Issus Altdorfer uses nature to show the aggressiveness of the battle and the victory of man over man. While on the other hand, Van Gogh uses nature to convey harmony, God, and death. Altdorfer portrayed the antagonism of man in nature while Van Gogh’s painting was more tranquil with the undertones of depression.The Northern Renaissance painter Albrecht Altdorfer and the Post-Impressionism painter Vincent Van Gogh used different landscaping

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