
Comparing Notes From Underground And Beloved

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In the Nobel prize winning neo-slave narrative Beloved, Sethe and Baby Suggs episodically demonstrate several similarities to the main character in the novel Notes from Underground, the Underground Man. This is accomplished through personal memories as a slave at Sweet Home Plantation. Even though they are two different genres, they can be connected through certain ideas while containing totally dissimilar context. While Notes from Underground was published in eighteen sixty-four by Dostoevsky, and Beloved in nineteen eighty-seven by Toni Morrison, the two works of literature share a lot in common regarding certain themes. Even though Beloved was published in the twentieth century, the actual story itself takes place approximately in the same …show more content…

Baby Suggs knows the cruelness of the world around her through her own experiences as a slave and runs away from the emotional trauma that she underwent. Additionally, with Baby Suggs’ past being “like her present – intolerable…she knew death was anything but forgetfulness, she used little energy left her for pondering color” (Morrison 4). Baby Suggs looks back upon her past life as a slave and contemplates the concept of life and death. Close to her death, Baby Suggs juggles with memories from a life of hardship and shows that death is the only way she is able to run away from society’s foulness. Although her past was harsh and uncalled for, it is what forms Baby Suggs into …show more content…

Both of the authors want to express how selfhood can not be successfully defined if you do not face yourself and your memories head on while being accepting of the past because that is a key part of what defines the self. The past is what shapes the self into what it is and everything it has become can be credited to the past. In both works of literature, the characters are key elements in showing how looking back at the past and recognizing how it shapes the self even if it is sickening, is a major key in defining the self. Selfhood can only be defined if you act as an individual and recognize all the things that make a self. The self is especially important to discuss because it encompasses everyone no matter stature or

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