
Comparing Politician Patrick Henry's Speech To The Virginia Convention

Decent Essays

Often times, speeches are given to persuade a listener or reader. Politician Patrick Henry and former President George W. Bush are no exception. Henry gave his speech, “Speech to the Virginia Convention,”in 1775 and the Revolutionary War was on the horizon. President Bush gave his, “President Bush Outlines Iraqi Threat,” in 2002 following the 9/11 attacks. Henry and Bush’s are rhetorically similar because the speeches’ loaded language, pathos, and tone are alike. First and foremost, loaded language is an effective tool when it comes to convincing an audience. Henry utilized strong positive and negative words, to influence the Virginia delegates to consider military action against Great Britain. Bush used loaded language to persuade the American people to believe going to war with Iraq was necessary. Both speakers lecture negatively of their opposers, and …show more content…

Tone can be conveyed through the word choice of the writer or speaker. Henry’s tone was respectful towards the Virginia Delegates, he says “gentlemen” and “sir” several times to show reverence. As his speech goes on, he becomes more passionate and urgent about the subject of war against Great Britain. “Give me liberty or give me death”(Henry). On the other hand, the audience may say being too formal makes the speech seem pushed. President Bush has a patriotic and respectful tone in the beginning of his address to the American people. “Thank you for that very gracious and warm Cincinnati welcome…”(Bush). His tone is also serious, persuasive and urgent, very similar to Henry’s. To influence an audience, speakers use many rhetorical devices to get their point across. Attorney Patrick Henry, and former President George Bush both use rhetorical devices in their separate speeches. The addresses are alike because both use loaded language, pathos, and tone. The speeches were given 200 years apart, but are still gravely

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