
Comparing The Stereotypes Of Teenagers Like Two Year Olds

Decent Essays

Adults treat teenagers like two year olds. They expect us to act up, call us terrible, and tell us we are too young to do things. They blame us for societies problems; yet, they’re the ones running the government, creating detrimental technology, and continue to barrage us with stories about how hard it was when they were kids. I have been told many times that I should be sleeping more and texting constantly because that is what a teenager should do. They say that I don’t pay attention to the tumultuous world outside my screens; the reason that I refuse to accept the reality around us is because the responsibility will fall on me. I know as soon as I turn thirty, the responsibility to drag this country out of almost 19 trillion dollars worth of debt will …show more content…

I am not even allowed to volunteer. I have asked to volunteer, sent in my resume, and gotten excellent feedback, yet upon hearing of my age they refuse stating it would not be a good fit. I have attempted to intern but the companies state that they are required to find people at least eighteen years of age. I am not allowed a say in anything; for example, imagine squeezing into a small dimly lit cubicle, pulling back the red curtain and leaning over a desk. You reach for a pen and check the box next to a bolded name. This may seem like a nonchalant activity but you are deciding the fate of the entire country and I understand this. I am not allowed to vote because teenagers are deemed irresponsible; however, isn’t it the adults creating a 9% interest in a fake presidential candidate titled Deez Nuts? Isn’t it the adults who are generating massive support for a sexist, numbskull? This is not the fault of the teenagers. Adults write how to books about the teen-age mind. It is like they believe that teenagers are a separate species; they act like we are ravaging beasts desperate for out next apple device. I may be younger but I am no different than any other human being. I wish to be respected and

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