
Comparison Between Observation And Interpretation

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I - Introduction - In chemistry, the use of a scientific method to solving problems and collecting data is crucial to a successful conclusion. Observation, Investigation and Interpretation are the scientific tools that are used to help construct this conclusion. Observation is used to gather both quantitative and qualitative properties of matter in order to set a basis upon which every other part of the experiment is built. Then, the observations are investigated and records are kept of the results. Interpretation is the final step of the process. Interpretation is the action of comparing the results of investigation to previous knowledge. With these 3 steps completed, a conclusion can then be established based on findings. In this lab, …show more content…

The beaker was removed from the flame and cobalt chloride paper was used to test liquid inside the beaker. All observations were recorded. A single drop of tap water was placed onto a second piece of cobalt chloride paper as a control. All observations were again recorded.

The 1000mL beaker was placed invertedly over the burning candle until it was extinguished. The time it took for the flame to be extinguished was timed and recorded. The flame was relit with a match and a 2000mL beaker was obtained. The beaker was placed invertedly over the burning candle until it was extinguished. The time it took for the flame to be extinguished was timed and recorded.

Limewater and a graduated cylinder were obtained. A measurement of 10mL of limewater from the top of the bottle was put into the graduated cylinder and set to the side. The candle was relit with a match. A 250mL Erlenmeyer flask was obtained and held over the candle until the flame extinguished. A few seconds were given to allow the smoke to fill the flask. The flask was removed from the flame and the limewater from the graduated cylinder was poured into the flask. A hand was placed over the top of the flask to prevent the smoke from escaping while swirling the flask to mix the smoke and limewater. All observations were …show more content…

Another match was lit and the candle was blown out. The lit match was held to the resulting smoke coming from the wick after being blown out. All observations were recorded.

A piece of copper was cut from a spool and coiled around a pencil. The coil was removed from the pencil and a small portion of the wire was left as a handle. Forceps were obtained and used to raise and lower the coil swiftly over flame, as well as side to side and diagonally. All observations of the flame’s behaviour were recorded.

A dropper pipet and water was obtained. The pipet was used to drop 3 drops of water into the top of the candle which was bowl shaped and molten. All observations were recorded.

III - Observation/Results

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