
Comparison Of Doing The Right Thing And The Road Not Taken

Satisfactory Essays

“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody's going to know weather you did it or not”(Oprah Winfrey.) In the short story, poem, and commentary, they all had 2 options, the right option, or the easy option. After reading the texts “Thank You Ma'am,” “Doing The Right Thing,” and “The Road Not Taken,” it is evident that they all had the courage to do the right thing. Having a role model affects how you act as a person. In “Doing The Right Thing,” “The Road Not Taken,” and “Thank You Ma’am,” the characters all get there courage from exceptional role models. In the short story Roger is affected by his role model Mrs.Jones because he does not want to be mistrusted again. This statement is true because in the text it states

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