
Comparison Of Star Wars And Hero's Journey

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The Hunger Games, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle in Time all relate to the Hero’s Journey in different ways, but there are also similarities in the approach of Hero’s Journey. The refusal in Hunger Games and Star Wars are alike in the fact that Katniss and Luke’s choice of refusal is for the best of their family. Meg, however, has no choice and regrets going until she realizes that she will get her dad back. Crossing the threshold is different because Katniss has time to soak up the information and Luke just has to leave right away. During the point of the Test/ Allies/ Enemies, the stories are different by the intensity of the events; but they are also alike. The Hero’s Journey throughout the Hunger Games, Star Wars, and A Wrinkle in Time all have …show more content…

First of all, the Call to Adventure is completely different from each other, but the Refusal in the stories/movies have a similar approach. In the Hunger Games, when Prim gets chosen, Katniss is not fond of that, so she calls herself to take Prim’s place. On the other hand, in Star Wars, Obi Wan invites Luke to go with him to Alderaan. In a Wrinkle in Time, Meg has no choice of going to find her father. The similarities in these events, is in the Refusal. All three of the stories, have a refusal that is best for their families. For example, in Hunger Games, Katniss volunteers to tribute instead of Prim.In the beginning of the book, Katniss yells out that she volunteers right when Prim’s name is drawn. Katniss wants to protect Prim and her mother, so Katniss volunteers because she is protecting her family. In Star Wars, Luke tells Obi Wan he cannot go with him because he has to help out on his uncle's farm. Luke wants to help his uncle as much as he can, so he is not going to just leave. Also, in a Wrinkle in Time, Meg refuses to take the long way to get to her father, she just wants to get to him now. Meg, along with her whole family, misses her father and wants to get to him right away. She loves him and her family, so she wants everyone to be happy with her father home. To conclude, the three stories have a

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