
Competency Statement Analysis

Decent Essays

I remain passionate and committed to my goal of improving patient outcomes through improved sleep in the intensive care unit. In reviewing my personal literacy blueprint the barriers that will potentially get in my way are in Edison’s competencies of Solution-Centered Mindset and Full-Spectrum Engagement. The opportunities for improvement in this area are to learn to write down my goals and to review them on a regular basis. My goals are established in my mind, but I need to write them down and review them regularly to keep on track with this project. I also need to be willing to experiment more, to explore different ideas, and to not hold tight to preconceived pathways and solutions which could limit my ability to find the best solutions. Another area of opportunity lies in learning to optimize my time and energy. Too often I allow myself to become bogged down in day to day tasks and forget to take the time to work on what I am passionate about and what I believe …show more content…

Dr. Tonna is passionate about improving sleep, but he is passionate about a plethora of projects and it can be challenging to encourage him to focus on one project. Another significant potential barrier that has just presented itself is that our Senior Vice President for health sciences resigned this weekend. Dr. Lee was a significant supporter of innovation and it has been my experience that anytime there is a substantial leadership change, organizations adapt to the vision of their new leader. I believe innovation is crucial to healthcare success and that this project has the potential to make a significant difference in the patient experience while in the intensive care unit, in addition to improving quality through decreased delirium and improved cost through a decreased length of stay. I plan to continue to move forward with this

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