
Complex In My Oedipus Complex

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My Oedipus complex O'Connor was perhaps best known for his varied and comprehensive short stories but also for his work as a literary critic, essayist, travel writer, translator and biographer. He was also a novelist, poet and dramatist (Wikipedia). The story takes The three unities and Necessity and probability in Oedipus. The first one is about the unit of place. The play of Oedipus takes place in front of the palace at Thebes. we must note and understand that the actions that are recalled place in other locations as the story progresses for example: the place where three roads meet, are still being recalled in front of the palace at Thebes. The second one is the unit of time. The play of Oedipus starts the moment Oedipus himself sees the …show more content…

The Oedipal complex originally refers to the sexual desire of a son for his mother and does not have to be reciprocated (Wikipedia). This short story written by Frank O’Connor and its entitled “my Oedipus complex” in which he describes a young boy called Larry experience. In this essay, a comparison between the short story and the four stages of development suggested by …show more content…

In the story, Larry innocently expresses how he feels about his mother and father. His love for his mother could be seen in the following quotes “I fell asleep beside her [the mother] and woke again only when I heard her below in the kitchen, making the breakfast…” and “Naturally, I disliked her [the mother] looking anxious, because it destroyed her good looks” and “Every time I had pointed out to her [the mother] the waste of making two beds when we could both sleep in one, she had told me it was healthier like that”. His jealousy of his father is noticed when he says “I wanted to talk, he [the father] wanted to sleep – whose house was it, anyway?” and “though it was an uncomfortable squeeze between Mother and him when I got into the big bed in the early

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