
Comprehensive Dental Reform

Decent Essays

Subject: Alternative policy for proper utilization of dental care by adults in rural areas.
Oral health care is an integral part of the US healthcare system. In 2012, Sen. Bernie Sanders introduced “The Comprehensive Dental Reform Act”, which aimed on expanding dental coverage, accessible oral health care centers, increase in dental workforce, enhanced dental education and encourage dental research. ( The ACA, aim to curb the national health spending, by facilitating the affordability to quality care through private and public health insurance. The purpose of this bill is to cut the healthcare costs and to reverse the “silent epidemic” of dental health status (surgeon gen). This dental bill with an integrated approach towards the preventive and comprehensive oral healthcare is estimated to provide coverage to almost 17.7 million adults. (ADA …show more content…

Adults in the rural areas have increased rate of dental caries, increased loss of permanent tooth and debilitating chronic oral conditions due to under utilization of dental care, mainly attributed to the poverty, lack of or fewer dentists and increased distance from the nearest federally funded primary health care center. (4). (ADA)(5) National rural health association states that there are about 22 dentists for 100,000 people in rural areas and only 2% of dental care providers’ work for the federally funded programs. (ADA 6). National dental health care spending averaged for 111 billion dollars for the fiscal year 2012 and the spending was steady in 2013 (7). Though ACA enabled expanded affordable coverage to the eligible people, it failed to provide any solution for the lack of dentists and increased distance to dental healthcare facilities leading to underutilization of dental

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