
Comprehensive Gang Model: Solving Our Gang Problem

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There is a real gang epidemic in this country; even the nicest, most wealth off cities in America have been infiltrated by gangs. Gangs have been around for centuries, and they will continue to grow and pervade our country. The only way to address the gang problem in the city is to tackle it head on. The probability of effectively averting gang activity is larger if community initiatives are concentrated on risk factors and are data driven and research centered (Howell, 2012). To eliminate gangs and gang activity, you will need a Comprehensive Gang Model (Howell, 2012). There are many steps that must be followed and implemented to ensure the gang reform program will work correctly. These steps are community mobilization, opportunities provision, social intervention, suppression, and organizational change and development. The first step in this model is community mobilization. This means that local citizens are involved, which incorporates former gang-involved youth, community groups, agencies, and organization of programs and staff meetings in and through agencies (Howell, 2012). This means that everyone is involved, from the police, to the courts, the citizens on the streets. You cannot expect a program to work and be incorporated in a community if not everyone believes that the goal of prevention can be accomplished. Especially in getting police and courts involved in the cause shows that they truly do care and that they want to make the community a safe environment, so

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