
Comprehensive Mental Health Services ( Cmhs ) Essay

Decent Essays

Comprehensive Mental Health Services (CMHS) is an organization in Kansas City, Missouri dedicated to serving those with mental illnesses, ranging from both low- to high-functioning. This group has a for-profit and non-profit side. The for-profit side utilizes doctors, nurses, and a pharmacy to aide in the non-profit side. Case workers, therapists, addiction recovery, and group homes are all funded via the organization. With diverse staff involvement, CMHS has a multitude of positions ranging from full-time salary doctors, to full-time hourly case workers, to volunteers. Volunteers vary between other organizations that CMHS collaborates with, including Harvester’s food pantry, and even patients who want to donate their time to some of the less-fortunate. While those with mental illnesses are oppressed, this report is not about their oppression, rather their open-mindedness on the oppression of those around them. Rachael Miller is a case worker at CMHS. She works with a multitude of mentally ill individuals ranging from low-functioning white women, to high-functioning, gay black men (2015). Most of these mentally ill patients are understanding that they are oppressed; and with that, understand the oppression of others that surround them. For instance, almost all of Miller’s patients are completely tolerant toward other races and those of other sexualities; however, there was one individual, cover-named “Tim”, that was both homophobic and racist when he began his

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