
Computer Fraud And Identity Theft

Decent Essays

In today’s world where computers, cellular phones, wireless internet connections and electronic transactions are common place norms, maintaining ones identity can be a challenge. In 2012 the United States population was 314.1 million people, in the same year, 75.6 percent of households reported having a computer. (Government Census, 2012) With this high population and electronic use, one could extrapolate that there is high risk for computer fraud and identity theft. For example consider these statistics in 2013, identity theft complaints accounted for 14% of all complaints. The most common form of reported identity theft was government documents/benefits fraud, 34%, followed by credit card fraud, 17%, phone or utilities fraud, 14%, and bank fraud, 8%. Forty-one percent of identity theft complainants reported whether they contacted law enforcement. Of those victims, 74% notified a police department and 61% indicated a report was taken. (Government Census, 2012) There are many ways to counter identity theft, some being not to give out personal data or to make sure to properly destroy/secure all important documentation. These methods of protection seem quite feasible and often time practical, however with the rate at which identity theft occurs the validity of these protections might come into question. Therefore this research proposal begs the questions of how effective are these counter measures, to what degree are the counter measures followed by the victims, and

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