
Essay on Computer-Mediated Communication

Decent Essays

Just imagine your day to day activities at work, home or school without the use of the internet and other Computer Mediated Devices? I am sure you will all be horrified if we were left without these necessities that have become an essential part of our every activity. Computer-Mediated Communication (CMC) has resulted in the concept of the global village which augers well for businesses by providing larger markets for products and services, increased production and creating stronger bonds within organisations. With this in mind it seems quite possible that in the near future CMC will eventually surpass and replace face-to-face interactions as the chosen form of communication.
We live in a technological age where constant …show more content…

Some organisations that function with virtual teams include: banks, automobile manufactures, financial markets and a host of others.
In addition, another great benefit of CMC to organisations would be that their products and services would be available to a wider market with the implementation of global trading. A wider market would result in higher sales and production levels within an organisation, which in turn will encourage greater profit margins. Organisations would become more established in the global village, hence, creating stronger bonds with international counterparts. After all our goal is to become a closer society facilitated by globalization.
Additionally, another benefit of CMC to organisations is that decisions can be made faster and at a cost efficient rate, with the use of video conferencing and emails. Managers and employees no longer have to make the tiring journey to another country so that a product can be decided upon. They can now sit in the comfort of their own offices and chat with their associates from around the globe resulting in decision being made faster and in a cost effective way. Would any one of you here personally choose to leave you beloved family home for a week, when it’s your son’s birthday and travel to China so that the package of a new sun glasses could be decided upon? Why should we stress

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