
Computer Related Technology Use The Force Concept Inventory

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In Computer-related technology use in the high school physics classroom: A case study, the study was done with a focus on qualitative data, but the Force Concept Inventory (FCI) was administered to students and analyzed to add a quantitative component to the study (McClure, 1996). The copy of the Force Concept Inventory in the study shows that it focuses on material from the first half of a physics curriculum, such as Newton’s laws, kinematics, and uniform circular motion. The study Assessing the Effectiveness of E-learning Integration in College Physics in the Alamo Community Colleges District, also used the Force Concept Inventory to assess achievement. According to the researcher, “The examination was designed to probe all the dimensions that are central to basic college physics. It serves as the most reliable single index of students ' understanding of basic college physics” (Zhou, 2012). The researcher also talks about how since the FCI was created it has been validated multiple times. The consistent validity makes this measure great for measuring achievement but only for the content in the first half of a college physics course.While this is extremely useful it is not useful for my study. The Physics Achievement Test (PAT) may be a more useful measure for my study. “This is a researcher developed multiple choice objective test, made up of forty items. Each item has one correct option and four distractors. The instrument tested the pre-service teachers’ intellectual

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